Digital Space > Scene > Version > Model & Panos
Most Digital Spaces will have one scene and one version
Scenes allow you to:
Upload multiple 3d models to create larger experiences.
Upload separate model files
Export Selected parts of your model
Organize large buildings by area
First floor/Second floor/ ...
Lobby/Amenity Center/Roof Deck
When you create a Digital Space, we create a Scene titled "Untitled Scene"
Using Scenes
Navigate between Scenes from the bottom left corner of a Digital Space
Scene Example
Create a Scene
Scenes are found on the project page on the left-hand side.
Once inside the scene editor, you can manage your Scenes on the left
When you create a Digital Space, we automatically create a scene for you titled "Untitled Scene"
Still need help?
We are always working to improve our documentation. Please reach out in the chat (bottom right corner) or email with any comments, questions, or suggestions!