Read How it Works before getting started
Before you export
Have all cameras visible
Only have the geometry that you want to export displayed in the viewport
If you have proxied items, try turning the mesh display types to "box" for smaller items
Hide any geometry far from the camera or outside windows
Download the Exporter
Don't want to use the exporter?
Digital Space Exporter
If you have completed everything above, click "Export" on the script.
That's it! You should now be able to bring this file to
Your files will be saved to your 3DS Max scripts directory. Typically located at:
C:\Users\(your-name)\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\(year) - 64bit\ENU\scripts\DigitalSpaces\ds_exporter\(current-version)\export
Replace (your-name) with your user name, (year) with your Max version year, and (current-version) with your latest version of the Exporter Script.
C:\Users\Nathaniel\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2023 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\DigitalSpaces\ds_exporter\0_8_2\export
Advanced Controls
Optional. For advanced users only.
Step 1: Setup the Scene
The first step to exporting your scene with the advanced controls is to "Setup the Scene".
Warning: Do not skip the Setup
By clicking "Setup", we remove all objects from the scene (other than geometry and cameras), mesh all proxies, and perform a 1" vertex weld on all geometry. Lastly, we scan the scene and sort all geometry from largest to smallest and organize them by wire color.
This gives us a lightweight working environment and removes everything we will not read at
Should Xrefs be included?
Should hidden objects be deleted?
Initial weld value
The proxy display type to mesh
The Forest Pack display type to mesh
The Railclone display type to mesh
Display the selected proxies as "box"
Display the selected proxies as "mesh"
Default values work 99% of the time
Step 2: Optimize the Scene
Now that your scene is set up, you can optimize the geometry. This is done by selecting the objects you would like optimized, entering an ideal polycount, and clicking "Optimize".
Each color represents 10% of objects in your scene, from smallest (green) to largest (red). This is used to identify and select large objects to optimize.
Re-scan the scene and sort objects from smallest to largest
Number of polygons you are looking to achieve
Selects all geometry in the scene
Turns the selected object into a box
It is recommended to not go under 100,000 polygons for your entire scene.
Step 3: Export the Scene
Simply select a location and click "Export"
Select an export location